Monday, December 24, 2007

Guess what? I'm a "fucking cynical asshole!"

At least, that was the learned opinion of a MENSA candidate who phoned my college radio station during public affairs this afternoon.

I was repeating last year's holiday edition of my political talk show, "Naked Lunch Radio," in which I spent 30 minutes "sticking a sharp spear into the soft white underbelly of Christmas," as I announced at the start of the broadcast. Apparently, this individual didn't appreciate learning that the Christians, for the most part, ripped off the lion's share of the season's rituals from cultures that predated their religion by centuries. The man (and I use that word liberally) expressed his discontent by ringing the air studio, calling me a "fucking cynical asshole," and hanging up. Obviously, this is a person who prides himself both on his courage and his oratory!

It's not exactly difficult to infuriate the proudly ignorant, but I still enjoy the hell out of it. Next summer, I'll still be laughing at his dumb ass. That guy really made my Christmas Eve, y'all!

I only hope the poor dear doesn't have too far to walk from his trailer to the outhouse. And if he wipes his tuchus with newspaper, I strongly recommend the New York Post!

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