Thursday, April 17, 2008

No wonder people call them "pigs."

So the homeless shelter where I worked since November just closed for the season. Yesterday morning, my boss handed out tents and cots to the guests to hopefully get them through the next seven months until we can afford to reopen.

This afternoon, I was out walking my dog when I ran into a young couple who had slept at the shelter. They advised me that the day before, they were pitching their tent along the river when a cop came along and ordered them to take it down. As if that weren't enough, he wrote them each a ticket for $92. It's anyone's guess how two homeless people are supposed to come up with $184 to pay those goddamned fines.

The location they chose is way down the railroad tracks, nowhere near any houses or businesses. All this couple wanted was a place to sleep where they wouldn't disturb anyone. But Dirty Harry just wouldn't cut them any slack.

NWA was right: "Fuck Tha Police!"

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