Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A homeless woman I work with just had a miscarriage.

One of the guests at the homeless shelter where I work is a 26-year-old single woman (I'll call her Janet) with two kids her parents are raising for her. Janet also was five months pregnant with the child of another shelter guest when she had a miscarriage last week.

From her two previous pregnancies, Janet knew that she needed surgery during her second trimester or risk losing the baby. Unfortunately, for reasons known only to herself, Janet chose to keep delaying the operation until it was too late.

She and the dead child's father are both devastated. I feel so badly for them but can't do a damned thing to make them feel any better. All I can offer is a sympathetic ear and a warm place to sleep until the shelter closes for the season on April 15th. I only hope this tragedy doesn't drive them both back to heroin.

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